Arrival in Limerick, Ireland

Greetings from Ireland!
For those who don’t know, Mrs. Gould and I had applied and were accepted to the graduate program in Community Music at University of Limerick’s Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. After a few months of preparation and some bittersweet goodbyes in Austin, we departed our beloved city and arrived here last week.
Our studies begin in September so we have a couple weeks to get organized and learn the lay of the land. Of course, we’ll be scouring the city for the best music and musicianers and hoping to meet some new people and make new friends.
I do hope to pick up a few gigs while we’re here. ‘Til then, the gig calendar will be empty. That’s a big change for me; it’s been fourteen years of packing the schedule with as much music as possible – between five and seven nights per week with one, two, or three gigs each night (I’ve done as many as six gigs in a day).
Having this much down time is very interesting. I’m able to stop and smell the roses in a way that wasn’t previously apparent, however, the internal call to play music is tremendously difficult to ignore. Not a bad problem to have, as they say.
On the bright side, there is time to design some better plans for moving forward upon my return to Austin in the summer of 2015. I intend to offer lessons via Skype while I’m here and hope to produce a few videos with the extra time. Stay tuned for official announcements on those topics. And, I will actually have the time to post regular updates here at the website … finally!
Thanks for stopping by the site!